Come celebrate with us!
Introducing Alma Resort, a luxurious and exclusive vacation destination for couples and families, and the first of its kind in the coastal paradise of Nha Trang, Vietnam!
The wait is over! The Alma Resort is opening on December 29, 2019. Its first US Showroom is also opening near South Coast Plaza, Southern California. Existing Alma Vacation Owners from all over the world, including Vietnam, will now have access to another international center for their travel needs. The showroom will provide future Alma Vacation Owners an inviting place to envision how their family will fit right in, and enjoy what this award-winning resort has to offer, including world-class amenities, cinema, amphitheater, night club, sports playground, waterpark, many restaurants, and much more.
In celebration of this momentous occasion, Alma Resort is giving away a free, no-obligation vacation for 4 with airfare and 7 nights at the resort!
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