Cộng đồng Bolsa: "Việt giết Việt"

16 Tháng Ba 201711:03 CH(Xem: 13715)


Cộng đồng Bolsa: "Việt giết Việt"

Báo Văn Hóa nhận được E-mail của quý độc giả bản tin như sau:

From: Defeat China Invasions <Catholics@buddhist.com>

Nguoi Viet Giet Nguoi Viet -

Cộng Đồng Người Việt Quốc Gia yêu cầu Ông Nguyễn Bảo chấm dứt việc sử dụng chức vụ này trong mọi liên lạc và chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về việc làm của Ông kể từ ngày, giờ kể trên**** Nghị Quyết 170311 V/v Chấm Dứt Chức Vụ Phó Chủ Tịch Ngoại Vụ của Ông Nguyễn Bảo (Nguoi Viet Viet Murder At The Vietnam National --Cong requirements Nguyen Bao terminate the use of this position in all communications and we are not responsible for the employment of Mr since the date and time listed above * *** Resolution 170 311 V / v End Position of Vice President of External Affairs Mr. Nguyen Bao)


from: readytogo@gmail.com

Nguoi Viet murder Viet ????

From:  NGUYEN SALES < doanh@dslextreme.com >

From: "Business @ dslextreme" < doanh@dslextreme.com >

Subject: Resolution 170 311 V / v End Position of Vice President of External Affairs Mr. Nguyen Bao **** Vietnamese Community National requirements Nguyen Bao terminate the use of this position in all contact and we I am not responsible for the employment of Mr since the date and time listed above.

Cc: "Phat Bui" < phat@phatbui.com >
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 9:20:55 PM
Subject: Resolution 170 311 V / v End Position of Vice President of External Affairs Mr. Nguyen Bao

Nh Ki widespread apply Resolution 170 311 STOR Vietnamese Community of Southern California National.

 Sincere thanks.

Phat Bui
President of the Executive Council - President

Notice of Resolution NQ 170 311

Two days stasis Th March 13 2017,

 Dear Leaders, Religious
The media base
Unions and associations everywhere, You countrymen near and far.

V / V: Changes Vice President of External Affairs National Vietnamese Community of Southern California.

K utcome under the Community Conference with voting mechanism agreed by the three Vietnamese Community of Southern California National - Executive Council, the Board of Supervisors, Board of Representatives, as well as relatives of the latest quarter notables trench presence, since Saturday 11th 2017 Three farm th:

       Nguyen Bao will no longer hold the position of Vice President of External Affairs.

Vietnamese Community of Southern California terminate National Vice President of External Affairs Mr. Bao En Danger because of the following reasons:

     He spent announces nh H ội of Representatives and the Board of Supervisors uncooperative with Community President, Sales Associates Committee of the winner. (H ội Mechanism Executive Council elected by the partnership, not elected by the individual.)

And because he violated the rules of the following rules:

       Article 25: V ắng the most Community meetings.

       Article 26: Co destabilizing behavior, obstacles, and damages to life, the rights and reputation of CDNVQG-NC.

The personnel changes will come into effect from the date mentioned above. Vietnamese Community National requirements Nguyen Bao terminate the use of this position in all communications and we are not responsible for the employment of Mr since the date, time k To on.

Phat Bui
Executive Board President

The same message: the Board of Supervisors,
Standing Committee, Board of Representatives


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