Thư gởi đồng hương của ông Nguyễn Bảo - Phó Ct Cộng đồng Người Việt / Nam Cali

16 Tháng Ba 201711:44 CH(Xem: 8100)


Thư gởi đồng hương của ông Nguyễn Bảo - Phó Ct Cộng đồng Người Việt / Nam Cali


Từ trái: Ô. Phan Kỳ Nhơn và ông Ngô Kỷ

Tòa soạn báo Văn Hóa nhận được E-mail của ông Ngô Kỷ và các bạn đọc về vụ ông Nguyễn Bảo dưới đây:

From: KY ngo < >
Date: 2017-03-08 9:24 GMT-08: 00
Subject: Vice Chairman Nguyen Bao declared colleges "termination of cooperation with the President colleges Bui Phat"
To: Ngo Ky < >

From: Fair - Free - Just VNAF <>

from: <>

Date: 2017-03-08 17:51 GMT-08:00
Subject: Fwd: Phó Chủ tịch CĐ Nguyễn Bảo tuyên bố "chấm dứt hợp tác với Chủ tịch CĐ Bùi Phát"

Kinh chuyen voi de dat va de tue nghi.

Dau long qua di thoi...Cong dong Viet hai ngoai ​qua nat tan..

On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 9:01 AM, "hieu ngo [DANTOCVIET]" < > wrote:

Forwarded to broad public opinion. Recently I had some words written comments calling on colleges, contract and combating Vgcs Union voiced his support for the Bui Phat Ngo Ky.

Now get the boldly voiced 'terminated' to cooperate with his Phat Bui Vice President External Affairs CDNVQG / Southern California,   Nguyen Bao, We feel glad to collective communist Vietnamese refugees overseas in general and California in particular.

We very much welcome and pay tribute to the spirit of fighting against the Vietnamese Communist and his henchmen Nguyen Bao, who deserve Vietnam as political refugees (VNtncs) and a Vietnamese nationals implacable Vietnamese community to sell the water, people trafficking. Personally I am very proud to stand with Nguyen Bao in the ranks Communist Vietnamese refugees abroad.


Hieu Ngo pearl

On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 9:01 AM, "hieu ngo [DANTOCVIET]" <> wrote:

Kính chuyển để rộng đường dư luận. Vừa qua tôi có viết đôi dòng góp ý kêu gọi các CĐ,HĐ và Đoàn thể đấu tranh chống Vgcs lên tiếng hổ trợ anh Ngô Kỷ về việc Bùi Phát.

Nay nhận được sự khẳng khái lên tiếng 'chấm dứt' hợp tác với Bùi Phát của ông Phó Chủ tịch Ngoại vụ CĐNVQG/Nam Cali, Nguyễn Bảo, Chúng tôi cảm thấy vui mừng cho tập thể người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản ở hải ngoại nói chung và cho Cali nói riêng.

Chúng tôi rất hoan nghênh và ngưỡng phục tinh thần đấu tranh chống Việt gian cộng sản và tay sai của ông Nguyễn Bảo, xứng đáng với tư cách người Việt Nam tỵ nạn cộng sản (VNtncs) và một con dân nước Việt không đội trời chung với Việt cộng bán nước, buôn dân. Cá nhân tôi rất hãnh diện đứng chung với ông Nguyễn Bảo trong hàng ngũ người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản ở hải ngoại.

Trân trọng,

Ngô ngọc Hiếu

Vice Chairman of Vietnam National Community of Southern California Nguyen Bao declared: "Termination of cooperation with the President of Vietnam National Community Development Bui Southern California"

Little Saigon March 7, 2017

Dear compatriots,

I just received the mail by Nguyen Bao sent to, including attached letter from Mr. Nguyen Bao, Vice President of External Relations of Vietnam National Community of Southern California wrote to the Board of Representatives and Board of Supervisors , titled "Termination of cooperation with Phat Bui," Bui Phat which currently holds the position of Chairman of Vietnam National Community of Southern California.


I would like to publicly forwarded his letter Nguyen Bao out before collective communist Vietnamese refugees to broad public opinion.


Ngo Ky

bob nguyen <>


Ky Ngo

Mar 7 at 5:41 PM

Glasses Starter: HD / Delegate, HD / Supervisors,

You Tongxiang.

v / v: Termination of cooperation with Phat Bui

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

Since March 7, 2017, I Nguyen Bao, Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs CDNVQG / Southern California is no longer cooperate with the President Bui Phat, for the following reasons:

first)  Man curriculum vitae

2)        Vote "yes" agreed services trade with China Communist, his nemesis is studying how to destroy the people of Vietnam (in the role as the Garden Grove City Councilmember)

3)        Incubate ng households allowing the City of Garden Grove marijuana harms the younger generation and will increase many social ills.

4)        When challenged, immediately sought personal revenge ... a despicable way.

5)        Most importantly arbitrarily sitting at my table with Vietnamese Ambassador to the Czech park intentionally.

6)        Limited intellectual ability, do not deserve to represent the Communist refugees Community where many senior officers and intellectuals-formula

Generally Bui Phat violate the rules of Community drastically ... ..

I was under pressure with friends, comrades, fellow often ask, "Do you not aligned with Phat Bui?" To prove to the event, this is

The official announcement of the I, I remain loyal and forever unchanged stance National and oath with you fellow ... two years ago.

In the status of a Vice President of the Community have confidence vote, I will continue to serve the Community and expressed the stance, views before the situation

topical issues related to Vietnam, with the means available.

I also will not hesitate to prosecute before law who slandered, defamed, insulted the honor and the struggle of my stance .......

Sincerely ,

Nguyen Bao / Vice President of External Affairs CDNVQG / Southern California

7th / March / 2017