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Hương Cau Cao Tân: Thơ Kiều - Từ Câu 133 đến câu 241
Chương 04 – Từ Câu 133 đến câu 241
(Kiều gặp Kim Trọng)
133. Dùng dằng nửa ở nửa về,
Nhạc vàng đâu đã tiếng nghe gần gần.
135. Trông chừng thấy một văn nhân,
Lỏng buông tay khấu, bước lần dặm băng.
137. Đề huề lưng túi gió trăng,
Sau chân theo một vài thằng con con.
139. Tuyết in sắc ngựa câu giòn,
Cỏ pha màu áo nhuộm non da trời.
141. Nẻo xa mới tỏ mặt người,
Khách đà xuống ngựa tới nơi tự tình.
143. Hài văn lần bước dặm xanh,
Một vùng như thể cây quỳnh cành dao.
145. Chàng Vương quen mặt ra chào,
Hai Kiều e lệ núp vào dưới hoa.
147. Nguyên người quanh quất đâu xa,
Họ Kim tên Trọng vốn nhà trâm anh.
149. Nền phú hậu, bậc tài danh,
Văn chương nết đất, thông minh tính trời.
15 Phong tư tài mạo tót vời,
Vào trong phong nhã, ra ngoài hào hoa.
153. Chung quanh vẫn đất nước nhà,
Với Vương Quan trước vẫn là đồng thân.
155. Vẫn nghe thơm nức hương lân,
Một nền Đồng Tước khoá xuân hai Kiều.
157. Nước non cách mấy buồng thêu,
Những là trộm nhớ thầm yêu chuốc mòng.
159. May thay giải cấu tương phùng,
Gặp tuần đố lá thoả lòng tìm hoa.
161. Bóng hồng nhác thấy nẻo xa,
Xuân lan thu cúc mặn mà cả hai.
163. Người quốc sắc, kẻ thiên tài,
Tình trong như đã, mặt ngoài còn e.
Chapter 04 - Verse 133 to verse 170
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
(Kiều met Kim Trọng)
133. While they were undecided about staying or going,
The sounds of horse’s collar bells were closer in coming.
135. A man of literature walked his horse on the roadway slowly
Who leisurely rode and deliberately enjoyed the scenery.
137. While reciting his composition of poems by inspiration,
Some children were following him out of curiosity and admiration.
139. The horse was of the colour of mixed pure snow white,
The green grass was blended in with the rider’s dress colour of sky.
141. Just when the rider’s face came into view clearly,
He dismounted and came to converse with them heartily.
143. With each further step on green grass of his embroidery shoed foot
He spread the beauty of night blooming plant and pencil cactus bush.
145. Vương Quan greeted the rider, a face to him so familiar,
While his two Kiều sisters shyly hid under the shade of flowers.
147. The newcomer was a man from the neighbourhood close by,
One of the Kims named Trọng who was born noble and high.
149. Having rich base and famous reputation for generations,
He was a learned scholar by nature, possessing a natural intelligence.
151. His manners and bearing made him an unsurpassable person,
A liberal, mild mind and outward behavior that was so elegant.
153. He had been a neighbour of the same neighbourhood and location,
And was a close classmate of Vương Quan for many sessions.
155. He had been listening to the famous loving rumour,
Of the Copper Sparrow Tower which enclosed the pretty Kiều sisters.
157. Yet their embroidery room seemed to him so distant and faraway,
So his quiet secretive love and longing had to wait until someday.
159. By a stroke of luck of this rare incidental meeting,
In this festival that fulfilled his expectation of beauty searching.
161. Catching a glimpse of those beauties from a distance,
Who were spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum, both in perfection.
163. One was a national beauty, the other a genius that stood out,
It was love at first sight, yet they were too shy to speak it out loud.
165. Chập chờn cơn tỉnh cơn mê.
Rốn ngồi chẳng tiện, dứt về chỉn khôn.
167. Bóng tà như giục cơn buồn,
Khách đà lên ngựa, người còn nghé theo.
169. Dưới cầu nước chảy trong veo,
Bên cầu tơ liễu bóng chiều thướt tha.
Chương 05 - Câu 171 đến câu 242
(Kiều mơ gặp Đạm Tiên)
171. Kiều từ trở gót trướng hoa,
Mặt trời gác núi chiêng già thu không.
173. Mảnh trăng chênh chếch dòm song,
Vàng gieo ngấn nước, cây lồng bóng sân.
175. Hải đường lả ngọn đông lân,
Giọt sương trĩu nặng cành xuân la đà.
177. Một mình lặng ngắm bóng nga,
Rộn đường gần với nỗi xa bời bời:
179. Người mà đến thế thì thôi,
Đời phồn hoa cũng là đời bỏ đi!
181. Người đâu gặp gỡ làm chi,
Trăm năm biết có duyên gì hay không?
183. Ngổn ngang trăm mối bên lòng,
Nên câu tuyệt diệu ngụ trong tính tình.
185. Chênh chênh bóng nguyệt xế mành,
Tựa nương bên triện một mình thiu thiu.
187. Thoắt đâu thấy một tiểu kiều,
Có chiều thanh vận, có chiều thanh tân.
189. Sương in mặt, tuyết pha thân,
Sen vàng lững đững như gần như xa
191. Rước mừng đon hỏi dò la:
“Đào nguyên lạc lối đâu mà đến đây?”
193. Thưa rằng: “Thanh khí xưa nay,
Mới cùng nhau lúc ban ngày đã quên.
195. Hàn gia ở mé tây thiên,
Dưới dòng nước chảy bên trên có cầu.
197. Mấy lòng hạ cố đến nhau,
Mấy lời hạ tứ ném châu gieo vàng.
199. Vâng trình hội chủ xem tường,
Mà sao trong sổ Đoạn Trường có tên.
Chapter 05 - Verse 171 to verse 242
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
(Kiều met Đạm Tiên in a dream)
171. When Kiều got back to her flowery home from the outdoor viewing,
The pagoda’s evening bell had struck, the sun was done setting.
173. The moon had risen and had been looking through the rattan windows,
Moonlight reflected their gold in water, plants showed their shadows.
175. The flowering cherry-apple was leaning towards the neighbour’s
The dew weighed down the branch like a hung head of a sleeper.
177. Kiều was sitting watching the full moon by herself,
What to make of her short and long term friends she could not tell.
179. About Đạm Tiên, what an unfortunate fate hers was like,
All the lavishness was for nothing, just a wasted life.
181. About Kim Trọng, “Why did we meet since first meeting was forever,
Would he and Kiều be destined to be a couple in this life together?”
183. She was troubled because too many thoughts were in her heart,
Composing a good poem she did, a natural act of relief on her part.
185. The image of the moon was inclining behind the screen,
She leaned against the carved window and was quickly dozing.
187. Suddenly there was a young woman, who appeared in front of her,
Who looked pretty in figure as well as she was fine cultured.
189. Mist was in her face, snow was with her body in blending,
Her footsteps were slowly floating near and far in their appearing.
191. Kiều heartily welcomed and inquired her friendly:
“From what heavenly world did you come from? Where could it be?”
193. The woman replied: “We have been soulmates for each other,
We have just met during the day, and you already forget her.
195. My humble home is on the west bank in this direction further,
At a place where there is a stream under a bridge crossing over.
197. I am grateful for your regards and consideration of me as your sister,
Also for the beautiful poems you have composed and have sent over.
199. I have presented your poems to the president for review over,
And found that your name is listed in the Broken Heart Register.
201. Âu đành quả kiếp nhân duyên,
Cũng người một hội, một thuyền đâu xa!
203. Này mười bài mới mới ra,
Câu thần lại mượn bút hoa vẽ vời.”
205. Kiều vâng lĩnh ý đề bài,
Tay tiên một vẫy đủ mười khúc ngâm.
207. Xem thơ nức nở khen thầm:
“Giá đành tú khẩu cẩm tâm khác thường
209. Ví đem vào tập Đoạn Trường
Thì lèo giải nhất chi nhường cho ai.”
211. Thềm hoa khách đã trở hài,
Nàng còn nắm lại một hai tự tình.
213. Gió đâu sịch bức mành mành,
Tỉnh ra mới biết rằng mình chiêm bao.
215. Trông theo nào thấy đâu nào
Hương thừa dường hãy ra vào đâu đây.
217. Một mình lường lự canh chầy,
Đường xa nghĩ nỗi sau này mà kinh.
219. Hoa trôi bèo dạt đã rành,
Biết duyên mình, biết phận mình thế thôi!
221. Nỗi riêng lớp lớp sóng dồi,
Nghĩ đòi cơn lại sụt sùi đòi cơn.
223. Giọng Kiều rên rỉ trướng loan,
Nhà Huyên chợt tỉnh hỏi: “Cơn cớ gì?
225. Cớ sao trằn trọc canh khuya,
“Màu hoa lê hãy dầm dề giọt mưa?”
227. Thưa rằng: “Chút phận ngây thơ,
Dưỡng sinh đôi nợ tóc tơ chưa đền.
229. Buổi ngày chơi mả Đạm Tiên,
Nhắp đi thoắt thấy ứng liền chiêm bao.
231. Đoạn trường là số thế nào,
Bài ra thế ấy, vịnh vào thế kia.
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
201. So be it, just due results of dependent origination,
Since we are of the same association, in the same situation!
203. Here are the requests for ten new compositions
We would require your creative talents with heavenly inspiration.”
205. Kiều obeyed and composed each topic into an essay,
Under her pen, they turned into beautiful poems right away.
207. Đạm Tiên secretly praised Kiều and said in review:
“Flowery words, embroidered silk ideas, she is really a case so few.
209. If listed in the Broken Heart Register to compete,
Then these will get first prize, no one else, and that’s it.”
211. The guest had turned her feet on the flowered veranda floor,
Kiều was still holding her hands to confide to her some more.
213. The wind from nowhere suddenly shook the bamboo sunscreens,
Kiều awoke and found out that she had been in just a dream.
215. She looked over but found nobody else over there,
Yet some fragrances were still lingering somewhat somewhere.
217. She herself in the night contemplated of what might be of latter day,
What she had learned made her feel unsettled and feel so afraid.
219. A fate of water-fern, of floating flowers was so clearly shown,
Nothing else could be done, except knowing what needed to be known!
221. In her thinking thought after thought in waves were they coming,
Strong emotion followed by crying were they successively following.
223. Kiều’s sobbing could be heard through mosquito nets so lately,
Awaking up her sleepy mother who inquired, “What could it be?
225. Why the tossing throughout the night without sleeping,
Like a pear flower suffered under the spring rain in its soaking?”
227. Kiều replied: “I am a person still in the age of naivety,
I haven’t requited both your debts of bearing and raising me.
229. I went sightseeing Đạm Tiên’s grave scene this morning,
Things then are immediately fulfilled by warnings in my dreaming.
231. What type of register is the Broken Heart Register,
Such topics for input, such poems in output, are only to suffer.
233. Cứ trong mộng triệu mà suy,
Phận con thôi có ra gì mai sau!”
235. Dạy rằng: “Mộng ảo cứ đâu,
Bỗng không mua não chuốc sầu nghĩ nao.”
237. Vâng lời khuyên giải thấp cao
Chưa xong điều nghĩ đã dào mạch tương
239. Ngoài song thỏ thẻ oanh vàng
Nách tường bông liễu bay ngang trước mành.
241. Hiên tà gác bóng chênh chênh,
Nỗi riêng, riêng trạnh tấc riêng một mình.
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
233. Based on the signs to derive what that the dream has conveyed,
Then my fate and destiny will be worthless in the coming days!”
235. Her mother advised: “It’s just a dream, not worth believing,
It’s just nonsense carrying a burden on your mind without reasoning.”
237. Although Kiều appeared to obey and follow her mother’s advice,
Yet her thinking had not finished, her tears had come fully out right.
239. Then out of the window frames orioles were singing melodiously,
By the screens, willow flowers from wall corners were floating calmly.
241. When the sun shone down onto the veranda slantingly,
Kiều was still wrestling with the thoughts in her mind so lonely.
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
165. Kim was half intoxicated half sober in his feeling,
He was caught between inconvenient staying and unwanted departing.
167. His sadness was increased by the sun’s quick fading,
He had mounted on the horse, yet Kiều was still discreetly looking.
169. Under the bridge, water was clear and flowing indifferently,
Beside it, willows in the evening showed their shadows so lovingly.
Chương 05 - Câu 171 đến câu 242
(Kiều mơ gặp Đạm Tiên)
171. Kiều từ trở gót trướng hoa,
Mặt trời gác núi chiêng già thu không.
173. Mảnh trăng chênh chếch dòm song,
Vàng gieo ngấn nước, cây lồng bóng sân.
175. Hải đường lả ngọn đông lân,
Giọt sương trĩu nặng cành xuân la đà.
177. Một mình lặng ngắm bóng nga,
Rộn đường gần với nỗi xa bời bời:
179. Người mà đến thế thì thôi,
Đời phồn hoa cũng là đời bỏ đi!
181. Người đâu gặp gỡ làm chi,
Trăm năm biết có duyên gì hay không?
183. Ngổn ngang trăm mối bên lòng,
Nên câu tuyệt diệu ngụ trong tính tình.
185. Chênh chênh bóng nguyệt xế mành,
Tựa nương bên triện một mình thiu thiu.
187. Thoắt đâu thấy một tiểu kiều,
Có chiều thanh vận, có chiều thanh tân.
189. Sương in mặt, tuyết pha thân,
Sen vàng lững đững như gần như xa
191. Rước mừng đon hỏi dò la:
“Đào nguyên lạc lối đâu mà đến đây?”
193. Thưa rằng: “Thanh khí xưa nay,
Mới cùng nhau lúc ban ngày đã quên.
195. Hàn gia ở mé tây thiên,
Dưới dòng nước chảy bên trên có cầu.
197. Mấy lòng hạ cố đến nhau,
Mấy lời hạ tứ ném châu gieo vàng.
199. Vâng trình hội chủ xem tường,
Mà sao trong sổ Đoạn Trường có tên.
Chapter 05 - Verse 171 to verse 242
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
(Kiều met Đạm Tiên in a dream)
171. When Kiều got back to her flowery home from the outdoor viewing,
The pagoda’s evening bell had struck, the sun was done setting.
173. The moon had risen and had been looking through the rattan windows,
Moonlight reflected their gold in water, plants showed their shadows.
175. The flowering cherry-apple was leaning towards the neighbour’s
The dew weighed down the branch like a hung head of a sleeper.
177. Kiều was sitting watching the full moon by herself,
What to make of her short and long term friends she could not tell.
179. About Đạm Tiên, what an unfortunate fate hers was like,
All the lavishness was for nothing, just a wasted life.
181. About Kim Trọng, “Why did we meet since first meeting was forever,
Would he and Kiều be destined to be a couple in this life together?”
183. She was troubled because too many thoughts were in her heart,
Composing a good poem she did, a natural act of relief on her part.
185. The image of the moon was inclining behind the screen,
She leaned against the carved window and was quickly dozing.
187. Suddenly there was a young woman, who appeared in front of her,
Who looked pretty in figure as well as she was fine cultured.
189. Mist was in her face, snow was with her body in blending,
Her footsteps were slowly floating near and far in their appearing.
191. Kiều heartily welcomed and inquired her friendly:
“From what heavenly world did you come from? Where could it be?”
193. The woman replied: “We have been soulmates for each other,
We have just met during the day, and you already forget her.
195. My humble home is on the west bank in this direction further,
At a place where there is a stream under a bridge crossing over.
197. I am grateful for your regards and consideration of me as your sister,
Also for the beautiful poems you have composed and have sent over.
199. I have presented your poems to the president for review over,
And found that your name is listed in the Broken Heart Register.
201. Âu đành quả kiếp nhân duyên,
Cũng người một hội, một thuyền đâu xa!
203. Này mười bài mới mới ra,
Câu thần lại mượn bút hoa vẽ vời.”
205. Kiều vâng lĩnh ý đề bài,
Tay tiên một vẫy đủ mười khúc ngâm.
207. Xem thơ nức nở khen thầm:
“Giá đành tú khẩu cẩm tâm khác thường
209. Ví đem vào tập Đoạn Trường
Thì lèo giải nhất chi nhường cho ai.”
211. Thềm hoa khách đã trở hài,
Nàng còn nắm lại một hai tự tình.
213. Gió đâu sịch bức mành mành,
Tỉnh ra mới biết rằng mình chiêm bao.
215. Trông theo nào thấy đâu nào
Hương thừa dường hãy ra vào đâu đây.
217. Một mình lường lự canh chầy,
Đường xa nghĩ nỗi sau này mà kinh.
219. Hoa trôi bèo dạt đã rành,
Biết duyên mình, biết phận mình thế thôi!
221. Nỗi riêng lớp lớp sóng dồi,
Nghĩ đòi cơn lại sụt sùi đòi cơn.
223. Giọng Kiều rên rỉ trướng loan,
Nhà Huyên chợt tỉnh hỏi: “Cơn cớ gì?
225. Cớ sao trằn trọc canh khuya,
“Màu hoa lê hãy dầm dề giọt mưa?”
227. Thưa rằng: “Chút phận ngây thơ,
Dưỡng sinh đôi nợ tóc tơ chưa đền.
229. Buổi ngày chơi mả Đạm Tiên,
Nhắp đi thoắt thấy ứng liền chiêm bao.
231. Đoạn trường là số thế nào,
Bài ra thế ấy, vịnh vào thế kia.
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
201. So be it, just due results of dependent origination,
Since we are of the same association, in the same situation!
203. Here are the requests for ten new compositions
We would require your creative talents with heavenly inspiration.”
205. Kiều obeyed and composed each topic into an essay,
Under her pen, they turned into beautiful poems right away.
207. Đạm Tiên secretly praised Kiều and said in review:
“Flowery words, embroidered silk ideas, she is really a case so few.
209. If listed in the Broken Heart Register to compete,
Then these will get first prize, no one else, and that’s it.”
211. The guest had turned her feet on the flowered veranda floor,
Kiều was still holding her hands to confide to her some more.
213. The wind from nowhere suddenly shook the bamboo sunscreens,
Kiều awoke and found out that she had been in just a dream.
215. She looked over but found nobody else over there,
Yet some fragrances were still lingering somewhat somewhere.
217. She herself in the night contemplated of what might be of latter day,
What she had learned made her feel unsettled and feel so afraid.
219. A fate of water-fern, of floating flowers was so clearly shown,
Nothing else could be done, except knowing what needed to be known!
221. In her thinking thought after thought in waves were they coming,
Strong emotion followed by crying were they successively following.
223. Kiều’s sobbing could be heard through mosquito nets so lately,
Awaking up her sleepy mother who inquired, “What could it be?
225. Why the tossing throughout the night without sleeping,
Like a pear flower suffered under the spring rain in its soaking?”
227. Kiều replied: “I am a person still in the age of naivety,
I haven’t requited both your debts of bearing and raising me.
229. I went sightseeing Đạm Tiên’s grave scene this morning,
Things then are immediately fulfilled by warnings in my dreaming.
231. What type of register is the Broken Heart Register,
Such topics for input, such poems in output, are only to suffer.
233. Cứ trong mộng triệu mà suy,
Phận con thôi có ra gì mai sau!”
235. Dạy rằng: “Mộng ảo cứ đâu,
Bỗng không mua não chuốc sầu nghĩ nao.”
237. Vâng lời khuyên giải thấp cao
Chưa xong điều nghĩ đã dào mạch tương
239. Ngoài song thỏ thẻ oanh vàng
Nách tường bông liễu bay ngang trước mành.
241. Hiên tà gác bóng chênh chênh,
Nỗi riêng, riêng trạnh tấc riêng một mình.
Translated into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
233. Based on the signs to derive what that the dream has conveyed,
Then my fate and destiny will be worthless in the coming days!”
235. Her mother advised: “It’s just a dream, not worth believing,
It’s just nonsense carrying a burden on your mind without reasoning.”
237. Although Kiều appeared to obey and follow her mother’s advice,
Yet her thinking had not finished, her tears had come fully out right.
239. Then out of the window frames orioles were singing melodiously,
By the screens, willow flowers from wall corners were floating calmly.
241. When the sun shone down onto the veranda slantingly,
Kiều was still wrestling with the thoughts in her mind so lonely.